
Do you know “Jakuchu Ito”?

皇室と香川01 皇室と香川2

皇室と香川3 皇室と香川 図録

伊藤若冲の国宝 “動植綵絵”と金刀比羅宮所有の”百花の図”が初めて一緒に展示されると知り、
長蛇の列ができた2018年に上野で行われた”生誕300年記念 若冲展”でもなかったことだ。
会場でNHK 8K映像を観れることも魅力の1つだ。


When I learned that Jakuchu’s national treasures “Animal and Plant Festschrift” and “One Hundred Flowers” owned by Konpira-gu Shrine were to be exhibited together for the first time, I decided to go.

This was something that had not happened at the “Jakuchu Exhibition Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of Jakuchu’s Birth” held in Ueno in 2018, where there were long lines of people waiting to get in.

One of the attractions of this exhibition is that you can watch NHK 8K video at the venue.

I was happy to be able to see the exhibition and buy the catalogue without any problems!


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